In every field of industrial and scientific life, precision measurement is becoming increasingly important. Products are manufactured to tighter tolerances, processes are being optimised to run at peak efficiency and environmental measurements have to reflect true operational conditions. In all these situations measurement accuracy is critical and this in turn relies on accurate calibration with traceability to international standards of paramount consideration.
Furness Controls has been raising the standards of accuracy and calibration in the field of ultra-low range differential pressure and air flow measurement for many years. Whether you are looking for a service to calibrate your instruments or a calibrator to do the work yourself, Furness Controls can help.
We provide a range of UKAS and nationally traceable calibration services at our calibration laboratory in Bexhill and at our UK Service Centre at Tamworth, we can also perform traceable calibrations on site using our Portable Calibrators. The following calibration services are available from our laboratories.
Furness Controls has a full service and calibration laboratory at this Indian Trail, North Carolina location.
We provide NIST traceable calibrations in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for all of the Furness Controls products. Many of these devices are calibrated on the Furness Controls FRS4 low pressure primary standard. It has an accuracy of better than .01% of reading with a resolution of .01 Pa. (.00004 "H₂O). This primary standard is the only instrument capable of calibrating the full range of Furness Controls products.
Furness Controls offers a calibration service for the following:
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See the instruments and flow elements we offer for Low Differential Pressure and Flow Calibration:
The unique Furness Controls primary pressure standards enable us to provide the exceptional accuracy of our low pressure and vacuum calibrations. These standards which are used in our own calibration laboratories, enable us to provide calibrations with full traceability to national standards. They have also been adopted by numerous national and accredited laboratories throughout the world.
The FRS4 is an ultra-low primary pressure standard utilising a unique piston gauge design. The piston is supported on an electronic balance which reads the resultant force from the pressure acting on the piston. Measurements can be made from 0.001 Pa to 40 kPa.
The Gravimetric Flow Standard and the Bell Prover provide the UKAS Accredited flow standards at our laboratory. The Gravimetric weighs air and gives direct traceability to mass. Flow values down to 0.1 ml/min can be calibrated with uncertainties of no more than 0.5 % of reading. The Bell Prover is a direct displacement device with a capability of up to 2,000 litres/min. Traceable calibrations of up to 10,000 litres/min are also available.